Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Q&A with Beth Roy, Vice President at The Mailworks

Meet Beth Roy, our Vice President who has been with the company for over 25 years! Find out something surprising about her, her favorite place she’s ever traveled, and the person who has inspired her the most.

What is something surprising about you that many people might not know? 

That I have a twin brother and I am the youngest of 11 children.

The Mailworks Employee Spotlight - Beth Roy Family Picture

What is your favorite thing about working at The Mailworks? 

The talented people, the drive to get things done in the best way possible-the fact that we all like each other!

What do you do on a typical weekend? 

Going for walks, hanging out with the family, church on Sunday. Meeting up with friends watching old movies.

Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to? 

Salem, Massachusetts

The Mailworks Employee Spotlight - Beth Roy's dog

Beth’s dog, Eddie

What person, fictional or real, has inspired you the most? 

Cary Grant! Love Him!!!!

What accomplishment from your time at The Mailworks are you most proud of? 

That I was able to grow, change, learn and take on tasks that I never thought I could accomplish

Tell us about your previous professional experience. 

I was a bartender for years! I learned how to deal with all sorts of people.

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