Meet Joe Fitzpatrick, a member of our production team who has been with The Mailworks for nearly 10 years! Find out something surprising about him, what he does on a typical weekend, and the person who has inspired him the most.
What is something surprising about you that many people might not know?
I’m a good cook. My favorite meal to cook is lemon shrimp risotto. My wife loves my cooking.
What do you do on a typical weekend?
Relax and do whatever my wife wants to do. We like to go out to the lake and do some kayaking and walk on the track.
What is your best piece of career advice?
Be on time every day.
Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
Ogunquit, Maine. We go there every year. We go whale watching and it’s walking distance to the beach. We love going there.
How would you describe The Mailworks culture in 3 words?
Fun work environment
What person, fictional or real, has inspired you the most?
My father. Everything about him inspires me. He has always been my best friend. He is the one who got me into this business.
What accomplishment from your time at The Mailworks are you most proud of?
In the over 8 years I’ve worked here, I’ve only called in sick one time. I sprained my ankle, so I had to call in sick. I actually came in the next day and they sent me home because it was so swollen.