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Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Q&A with Mia Murphy, Production Designer

Meet Mia Murphy, a production designer who has been working here at The Mailworks for over two years. Find out more about how Mia’s personal and professional journey has shaped her, her best piece of career advice, and some surprising things about her.

What is something surprising about you that many people might not know?

I played competitive softball for 15 years. I played shortstop and was the leadoff switch hitter. I also have a really good memory.

The Mailworks Employee Spotlight - Mia Murphy

What is your favorite thing about working at The Mailworks?

There is always something new to learn or a new project going on. I really enjoy that there is always something different or new that allows you to expand your creativity or knowledge.

What do you do on a typical weekend?

We have 2 Pit Bulls so we always try to spend as much time with them as possible. We all really love being outdoors with them whether it be hiking, going to the lake, playing in our backyard, or swimming!

The Mailworks Employee Spotlight - Mia Murphy

What is your best piece of career advice?

This could apply to more than just your career but one of my favorite sayings is, “Say yes to the things that scare you.” It’s easy to get caught up in being too comfortable. Sometimes the best opportunities are the ones that scare you at first but the ones that flourish you the most. You will be surprised how much you could learn about yourself when you try new things and it’s always very rewarding.

What person, fictional or real, has inspired you the most?

My mom! My mom is a single mother who adopted both my sister and I all by herself. I’ve never seen someone so hardworking, patient, selfless, and caring as her. She has always made sure we were happy and had the best life possible. I would beyond lucky to grow up and be able to say I’m even a small percentage of the woman she is.

The Mailworks Employee Spotlight - Mia Murphy

What accomplishment from your time at The Mailworks are you most proud of?

I actually started working at Mailworks as an intern in college. I always looked forward to coming in and it was only a dream to be able to work there full time. I was lucky enough that I was offered to stay after my internship was over. I was really proud of myself for working hard to be able to stay somewhere I truly looked forward to coming to every day.

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

I’ve had to overcome a lot of difficult obstacles in my life, some when I was very young. It’s forced me to grow up quicker in a lot of ways. I don’t like to dwell on the past and I love to use negative experiences to fuel me. I am also very stubborn and I know what I want/deserve so I’m always looking for ways to succeed or do better beyond what I already have.

How would you describe yourself to someone who’s never met you?

I would say, “Let’s grab dinner and get to know each other, also do you have a dog!?” I think that says a lot about me already, I love food and dogs.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Ha this is boring but I can lick my elbow!