Data-backed statistics to help you formulate the perfect direct mail strategy
We are living in a world where almost everything has gone digital. You can livestream workout classes, order anything online, and even have a virtual happy hour with friends who live across the country.
So in a world where people are constantly online and inundated with ads, direct mail has the potential to really stand out. In fact, there are countless benefits to having a physical product that people can hold onto. Especially when compared to a fleeting impression of a digital ad, direct mail is much more memorable and likely to drive action.
Not convinced? These 27 direct mail marketing stats will help you understand the power of direct mail, while inspiring you with ways to improve your next campaign.
1. Customers respond to direct mail 16X more than other forms of marketing. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
This is an exponentially powerful statistic. It shows that while your marketing budget might buy more impressions on the internet, responsiveness is far more effective when leveraging the power of direct mail. Remember, quality over quantity.
2. Up to 90% of direct mail gets opened, compared to only 20-30% of emails. (Data & Marketing Association)
How many times have you received an email from a company and deleted it without even opening it? This stat shows that this is a common experience. It also shows that a direct mail piece is up to 3x more likely to be opened than an email.
3. 81% of recipients read or scan their mail daily. (USPS)
Do you check your mail daily? The USPS found that a whopping 81% of recipients do.
4. Direct mail marketing has been proven to be especially effective among baby boomers, with advertising cards, catalogs or flyers making 31% of this demographic purchase a service or product (Marketing Charts).
Differences in generational marketing are a very real thing. For businesses looking to target a baby boomer audience, you can’t go wrong with direct mail.
5. Direct mail marketing boasts a 9% house list response rate. This is compared to a 1% response rate among email, paid search and social media. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
Again, direct mail wins out for getting a response when mailing to a list of customers and proven prospects. This is especially powerful for campaigns that are offering some sort of special to recipients.
6. The response rate for house lists has increased 173% since 2006. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
Response rates are getting better and better for house lists. This means that for your next marketing campaign, consider building a highly targeted mailing list to drive responses for your target audience.
7. The response rate for prospect lists has increased 194% since 2006. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
Again, more positive data for response rates for direct mail. This stat shows that in particular, prospect list response rates have nearly doubled since 2006.
8. For longevity in impact, direct mail marketing also wins against online ads or email. 27% of UK consumers will still keep physical mail in their household after 28 days (2018 Direct Mail Facts and Figures).
Holding onto physical mail is one of direct mail’s highest yielding benefits. The countless impressions that a piece of mail on a countertop or mantel will receive during its duration in a home is priceless for building brand awareness.
9. The following stats apply to consumers having received addressed mail (2018 Direct Mail Facts and Figures):
57% of consumers open it
48.5% take a glance at it
26.2% throw it away or recycle
24% put it aside to check later
1.6% put mail on display
10. Oversized envelopes have the highest response rate: 5%. (Data & Marketing Association)
Go big or go home. Make a splash with your next campaign by selecting an oversized direct mail piece.
11. 79% of customers find reading mail more convenient than going online. (ICOM)
It’s the classic battle of paper version versus e-version. Which do you find more convenient?
12. 58% of households with incomes over $65K purchased from Direct Mail in 2009. (USPS)
This statistic speaks to the impact of direct mail on middle class and higher income homes.
13. Direct mail boosts ROI by 20% when part of an integrated campaign. (Royal Mail Group Ltd.)
Direct mail doesn’t have to be a standalone. In fact, when included as part of an integrated campaign, it has an impressive effect on ROI.
14. Direct mail helps improve the lift of local ads by 44% and online campaigns by 62%. (Royal Mail Group Ltd.)
Direct mail can even help boost your marketing performance in the online world. Is there anything it can’t do?
15. 41% of Americans of all ages look forward to checking their mail each day. (Gallup)
Who doesn’t love checking their mailbox? It’s way more fun than checking an email inbox.
16. For lead generation campaigns, a letter-sized envelope produces the best response rate, at 15.1%. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
Looking to generate new leads? Look no further than a letter-sized envelope campaign.
17. The average intended household response rate for First-Class mail is 13% and while Standard mail is 11%. (USPS)
When it comes to mail rates, first-class mail has a slight edge on standard mail with a 13% response rate.
18. Direct mail increases online donations 40% to non-profits. (Dunham + Company)
Direct mail for a cause? Yup, that works too.
19. The response rate for direct mail among people ages 18-21 years old is 12.4%. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
Worried that a direct mail campaign might not work on a younger audience? This statistic shows that it’s quite the opposite.
20. 70% of Americans say snail mail is more personal than the Internet. (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
In this digital era of hyper-personalization, marketers might think that a customized online campaign has the edge. But according to the Direct Marketing Association, snail mail has a way more personal effect.
21. 39% of customers try a business for the first time because of direct mail advertising (ANA/DMA response rate report 2018).
This is an especially powerful statistic for businesses that are looking to grow their customer base.
22. Up to 50% of US consumers prefer direct mail over email (Epsilon).
By looking at your target customer’s preferences, it can help you develop a more effective marketing strategy.
23. More than 60% of direct mail recipients were influenced to visit promoted website, with the greatest impact on first-time shoppers. (USPS)
If you’re looking to build awareness and drive website traffic among new customers, direct mail is a great way to do it.
24. 23% of direct mail recipients visited the sender’s store location. (USPS)
Brick and mortar stores occupy the physical world, so it makes sense that a physical marketing strategy such as direct mail can drive such an impact.
25. Direct Mail recipients purchase and spend 28% more on items than non-direct mail recipients. (USPS)
This statistic speaks to the purchasing power of direct mail recipients. With spend averaging 28% more as compared to non-direct mail recipients, it’s clear that direct mail drives results.
26. 56% of consumers think print marketing is the most trustworthy of all marketing channels. (DMA)
Trustworthiness counts when it comes to marketing. With a plethora of information available on the internet, many consumers have become skeptical of it. Print marketing, on the other hand, is viewed by the majority of consumers as the most trustworthy of marketing channels.
27. 98% of consumers bring their mail in the day it is delivered; 77% of them sort through it immediately. (USPS)
Let’s cap off this list of 27 direct mail marketing stats with a stat that speaks to the immediacy of direct mail. With the vast majority of consumers bringing their mail in the day that it gets delivered, your message will be received…and fast.
Final Thoughts
For those speculating on the demise of direct mail, these stats prove they couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, in a world where most everything is available online, marketing in the physical world is more powerful than ever.
Your next direct mail campaign awaits. And make sure you go with a direct mail provider (like us!) where you can handle every step of the direct mail ordering process–from choosing your direct mail piece and uploading your artwork, to building your mailing list and placing your order–completely online.
Long live direct mail.
Looking for expert guidance for your next direct mail campaign? Schedule your complimentary consultation with a client advisor today.