Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Q&A with Natalie Wonders, Account Manager at The Mailworks

Meet Natalie Wonders, an Account Manager who has been working here at The Mailworks for over 8 years. Find out her best piece of career advice, her favorite place she’s ever traveled, and the person who has inspired her the most.

What is your favorite thing about working at The Mailworks?  

The people. I often refer to my colleagues as my work family. If you ever happen to walk through our building or attend one of our work gatherings, you will feel the family vibe. This family vibe is what brings all of us together, uniting us as a hardworking & determined team!

What is your best piece of career advice? 

My father has been saying this phrase to me since I was a little girl and I stand by it 100%… “Don’t burn your bridges!”

Natalie Wonders - The Mailworks Employee Spotlight Q&A

Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled? 

Honduras. I went on an excursion there many years ago. The beach sand was white, water crystal blue, people so friendly, beers ice cold….take me back. 

How would you describe The Mailworks culture in 3 words? 

Focused, Evolving, Family

What person, fictional or real, has inspired you the most? 

Some may laugh, others won’t be surprised…but Prince. Growing up I always loved his music, energy & attitude. He always “marched to the beat of a different drummer” & I admired that about him. Truth is, life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing, do whatever it is that makes you happy, don’t look back and follow your heart. I have been saying things like this for years and am pretty sure he inspired my outlooks on life, expression & happiness. 

Natalie Wonders - The Mailworks Employee Spotlight Q&A

Tell us about your previous professional experience. 

I was the midday on air personality at Jamz 96.3 from 1999-2005. I took a long break not realizing how much I would miss the microphone and eventually ended up back on Jamz 96.3 in 2010 and then moved on to Hot 99.1 for a short stint. Fast forward to the present and I have my very own show on local college radio station, 88.3 FM The Saint! You can check out my show Friday nights, 6-9pm. I produce the show and select the music, a radio dj’s dream. I just hit my 5 year anniversary in May. I am blessed to have & love my full time job at The Mailworks (almost 9 years!) & at the same time continue to have my radio show.

How would you describe yourself to someone who’s never met you?  

Easy to talk to, smiley, loud & always ready for a good laugh.  I would be lost without music… thanks to my musician father & always radio playing mama. Lover of animals… especially my boy Blu the Wonder Pug & all pugs!

Natalie Wonders - The Mailworks Employee Spotlight Q&A


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